ITERLUME offers its Clients the implementation of full pre-contract work to promote a product or a service to Russia and the CIS, as well as to organize export/import to and from Russia. Such work includes the following special activities:
Search of a business partner abroad, establishing a contact and building a long-term working relationship with the partner.
Any foreign project is implemented with the active participation of a local partner. We are talking about organizing sales activities on the country’s market, which is often totally different from your country in the mentality, national traditions and living conditions. The same can be said about the import/export of Russian and the CIS products to/from your country. Therefore, the work of an interested partner in a foreign country plays a major role in the success of your company’s entry into the foreign market as a whole. As part of this task, ITERLUME performs the following types of work:
- provides information about possible partners in Russia and the CIS. Works out a list of domestic intermediaries, distributors, wholesalers and sellers who are able to conduct this type of business;
- organizes and conducts projects’ presentations for foreign partners;
- conducts correspondence and negotiations with the leadership of foreign partners;
- organizes and conducts project presentations at thematic international exhibitions;
- conducts work on the inclusion of information about the business project in catalogs and databases that are used by foreign business organizations and officials;
- accompanies and supervises the process of concluding and executing a contract with a foreign counterparty.
"Packaging" of a project
Taking a product to a foreign market or organizing imports/export to/from abroad may include the following types of work:
- definition of a brand positioning in the local market;
- naming (development or adaptation of the name and the logo of the project, which will be clear to the target audience of this country);
- design and video design (development of a corporate identity of the project, promotional materials, presentations, video promoters)
- creation of a website for foreign buyers in the local language;
- development of a financial model and a business plan of the project.
Promotion of a project
For the successful implementation of projects and events ITERLUME carries out a full range of work to promote, both online and offline.
As part of the implementation of the communication strategy, only effective ATL and BTL advertising channels will be used.